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Easter Rockschool 2022

After the incredible reception we recieved for the Summer Rockschool, we are incredibly excited to anounce our Easter Rockschool.

Event Venue and Time

The event will be held at the Wolverhampton Music School, from April 11th - April 15th, and will conclude on Friday 15th with a performance to showcase what everyone has learned! Workshops will take place from 10-3am, and anyone 18 or under with an interest in music is welcome to attend.

Event Details

Our Rockshools consist of a fully interactive, hands on approach to learning songwriting, instruments and performance skills. Our staff are all fully competent musicians, with a passion for teaching. Participants will be encourages to learn a range of instruments and showcase their skills with a live performance. We will guide and enable students to learn their favourite songs and make friends along the way. And all completely free of charge.

Summer Rockschool Feedback:

Your Rock schools were definitely the start of his love for playing guitar and one of the reasons he is now considering a career in the music industry” Margot Cox

“I have really enjoyed playing different instruments like the drums and the bass. I have loved playing games, meeting new people and making friends” Millie

Contact us at for further details.

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